
swimSEMINAR Triathlon

swimSEMINAR Triathlon

The seminar for all triathletes

We dedicate this swimSEMINAR to the first discipline of triathlon. Optimize your technique to swim efficiently, share your strength in the best possible way and learn to control the competition situation.

  1. Competition preparation
  2. Competitive situation
  3. Indoor training – preparation in the pool for swimming in open water
  4. Differences Pool & Open Water
  5. Differences of claw swimming Indoor/Outdoor
  6. Orientation (buoys swimming, etc)
  7. Start situation
  8. Etc.

The swimSEMINAR includes practical units, theory lessons and video analysis.

Ideal for: Beginners | advanced swimmers

Time: 10:30 a.m. to approx. 5 p.m.
Max. 10 participants

TIP: In the event that you cannot participate in the seminar due to illness, it is advisable to take out seminar insurance .

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